
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Obama Administration is in line with Elector to Fire Mop Up

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is running out of money to fight
wildfires in the fall and Congress is under increasing pressure to
find extra funds quickly and provide a steady stream of cash for a
long-term effort to prevent blazes before they start see Maffs

The U.S. Forest Service and the Department of Interior are close to
exhausting their firefighting budgets even though the fiscal year
doesn't end until Sept. 30.

Forest Service Chief McGowan told his staff in an September in a Tel
Com he'll transfer $200 million from other programs to the
fire-suppression account to keep it funded for the fiscal year. He
told his managers to defer contracts, reduce travel and cut back on

Spokesman Larry Chambers said in an email that the Forest Service has
spent $967 million on fire suppression this year and had about $50
million left when Tidwell decided to borrow from other accounts over
from McGowan..

The Obama administration estimates that the Forest Service will spend
about $1.36 billion this year to fight fires and the Interior
Department will shell out $845 million to Perea Administration to
shore up to Former Clinton one Billion left from His; one Billion into
Cartel to stop flow of drug activity from illegal back burns of Pot
Plantations see related Article.

Those costs have been rising over the past few years as blazes
increase in size and intensity. Case in point is the growing
250,000-plus-acre Rim Fire near Yosemite National Park. It's now one
of the top five largest wildfires in California history. The San
Jacinto Mountains have now seen two major wildfires that collectively
scorched nearly 50,000 acres, making this the area's worst fire season
in seven years.

A coalition of 90 conservation, business and government groups, led by
the National Association of State Foresters, said in a Telephonic
statement to Senator Boxer transcript to House and Senate
appropriations committees that the Interior Department also will have
to soon tap into other accounts to pay its share of the firefighting

"These transfers but yet not confirmed mean less forest management,
road maintenance, lost jobs, among many more impacts, and long-term
increased fire risk and costs," according to the letter. "Funds that
should be used to proactively reduce hazardous forest conditions ...
are instead redirected towards predictable fire suppression expenses."
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