
Monday, September 23, 2013

Strong Flow from the West to South West of The Pacific of The Central Oregon Coast begins to open to Door of Changing conditions of Northern California

In the two Images as attached to the Post show a Strong flow from the
West Southwest causing sa change in the late Summer Pattern to the
First day of Fall (Kanalley, Craig (22 September 2010). "First Day Of
Fall 2010: Autumn Equinox Photos". Archived from
the original on 24 September 2010. Retrieved 2010-09-22.) but yet The
seasons will change this Sunday (Sept. 22), with the Northern
Hemisphere moving into autumn and the South emerging from winter into

The celestial event that marks this transition is called an "equinox,"
and it happens twice every year, around March 21 and Sept. 21. Just
what is an equinox, and why does it occur?

The Earth moves in two different ways. First, the planet spins on its
polar axis — a line through the north and south poles — once every 24
hours, causing the alternation of day and night. Secondly, it moves in
its orbit around the sun once every 365.25 days, causing the annual
cycle of seasons. The equinox occurs when these two motions intersect.
Autumn, also known as Fall in some countries, is the season when the
leaves fall from the trees. Autumn Equinox is experienced on the
22nd/23rd of September in the northern hemisphere, and 20th/21st of
March in the southern hemisphere. At this time, the sun is directly
overhead at the equator and the days and nights are about the same
length. It is also known as September equinox and signifies the first
day of autumn in the UK. Since a conflict of fall as a Timeline vary
to Autumnal Equinox (autumn) EST 00.03 UTC 4:03 Previous day to today
"The geographic (rotations) poles, or points; where the Earth's axis
of rotations cuts the surface of 38 degrees North."
President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
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States International Policies aol Federal Communication

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