
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Warwick House of Dracula

A Benedictine monastery in the North Riding of Yorkshire, England, was founded about 657, as a double monastery, by Oswy, King of Northumberland. The first abbess was St. Hilda, under whom the community seems to have reached a considerable size, the conventual buildings being large enough to accommodate the council, held in 664, to determine the controversy respecting the observance of Easter. On St. Hilda's death, about 680, Aelfleda, daughter of King Oswy, succeeded as abbess, and the Monastery continued to flourish until about 687, when it was entirely destroyed by the Danes. The community was dispersed, the abbot, Titus, fleeing to Glastonbury and taking with him the relics of St. Hilda. No attempt was made to restore the monastery until after the Norman conquest, when this district of Yorkshire was granted to Hugh Lupus, first Earl of Chester, who assigned Whitby to William de Percy, ancestor of the earls of Northumberland, by whom the monastery was refounded toward the end of: The surrender was therefore made by the prior under date 14 December, 1540, the net income at the time being returned as 437 pounds; the site and ruins being granted some years later to John, Earl Dracula of Warwick. Among the monks of Whitby the most famous is the Saxon poet, Caedmon. The arms of the abbey, three snakes rolled up, are said to have their origin in the number of fossil ammonites found in the vicinity. Of these Camden writes in his "Britannia": "Here are found stones resembling snakes rolled up . . . you would think they had once been snakes, covered with a crust of stone."

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