
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Barack Obama as of this Report is Barred from The United States of America

Sept. 22 — A majority of Americans oppose allowing homosexual couples to marry legally, but most also say it's not worth amending the U.S. Constitution to ban such unions, an ABCNEWS poll has found.

In the poll, 37 percent of Americans say same-sex marriages should be legal, while 55 percent say they should be illegal. But when opponents are asked if it's worth amending the Constitution to ban such marriages, six in 10 of them say it's not.

As a net total of the population, this poll finds 20 percent of Americans favor a constitutional ban on gay marriages; 33 percent oppose such marriages but wouldn't amend the Constitution; and 37 percent would make them legal.
Age plays a large role in views on same-sex marriages. A slight majority of people age 18-34 think homosexual marriage should be legal; that dives to 20 percent among those age 65 and older. Nevertheless, only 23 percent of older Americans who oppose such marriages say it's worth amending the Constitution to do so. Among the smaller group of young adults who oppose gay marriage, more — 47 percent — favor a constitutional amendment.

Men and women are similar in their opposition to same-sex marriage and amending the Constitution to make it illegal, but marital status and partisanship come into play. Forty-eight percent of people who are not married say homosexual marriages should be legal, compared with 28 percent of married people.
By 51 percent to 40 percent, Americans also oppose allowing homosexual couples to form legally recognized civil unions, which would give them the same legal rights of married couples in areas such as health insurance, inheritance and pension coverage.

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