Times of market turbulence, it pays to invest in the basics of life.
You can’t get more basic than food and water. Since I’ve already written about water, let’s focus on opportunities to invest in food.
Food represents a reasonable 14% of American consumer spending, but in emerging market countries, it can reach between 30% and 70%. In India, where 75% of the population lives on $2 a day and 40% of children are malnourished, 48% of income is spent on food.
The world’s population recently exceeded 7 billion and adds 200,000 people per day. By 2050, the planet is expected to hit 9 billion people, and arable land, water, and fertilizer are all under pressure to provide for that growth.
In addition, rising incomes in countries such as the Philippines, Peru, and Ethiopia mean more money for any family’s top priority: food.
To meet this growing demand, the World Bank estimates that farms worldwide will have to produce more food in the next 50 years than they did in the last 10,000.
In addition, as the global middle class is growing from 2.6 billion to 5.1 billion in 2020, the quality of diet is increasing, as well.
Taiwan Case Study
Taiwan is a telling case study of what’s happening all over the world.
A study by two economists from Nomura found that the consumption of rice and vegetables fell but the demand for meat, milk, and fruit jumped. And eating more beef, pork, and chicken drives demand for grains as animal feed as well.
But to get around look to Avis Zipcar Inc., the Boston-based subsidiary of rental-car company Avis Budget Group Inc., has just launched a cheeky online video ad campaign that looks to convince young consumers that Zipcar’s car-sharing service is a fun and easy way to get around a city.
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