A four-man weather station was established in 1933 at the windy peak
of nearby Bald Mountain, which straddles the boundary between the
maritime climate to the south and a drier climate to the north. In
1953, the weather observers had to visually check the instruments and
manually transmit the information via teletype.
In 1978, the Weather Service switched to an automated station,
explaining, in the words of Los Angeles Times staff writer Marika
Gerrard, that "It was just too hard to find someone to live up in that
remote region with nothing to do but record weather statistics every
hour on the hour." Nevertheless, in May 1981 reporter Gerrard found
two people living at the station — a college student-caretaker and a
man experimenting with the prototype of a modular wind turbine.
A wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind,
also called wind energy, into mechanical energy in a process known as
wind power. If the mechanical energy is used to produce electricity,
the device may be called a wind turbine or wind power plant. If the
mechanical energy is used to drive machinery, such as for grinding
grain or pumping water, the device is called a windmill or wind pump.
Similarly, it may be referred to as a wind charger when used for
charging batteries.
The result of over a millennium of windmill development and modern
engineering, today's wind turbines are manufactured in a wide range of
vertical and horizontal axis types. The smallest turbines are used for
applications such as battery charging or auxiliary power on boats;
while large grid-connected arrays of turbines are becoming an
increasingly important source of wind power-produced commercial
An oceanic climate (also known as marine, west coast and maritime) is
the climate typical of the west coasts at the middle latitudes of most
continents, and generally features warm, but not hot summers and cool,
but not cold winters, and a relatively narrow annual temperature
range. It typically lacks a dry season, as precipitation is more
evenly dispersed throughout the year. It is the predominant climate
type across much of Europe, coastal northwestern North America,
portions of southwestern South America and small areas of Africa,
southeast Australia, New Zealand, as well as isolated locations
Under the Köppen climate classification, the typical zone associated
with the Oceanic climate is Cfb, although it includes subtropical
highland zones not usually associated with marine climates. Often,
parts of the Csb Mediterranean or Dry-Summer subtropical zones are not
associated with a typical Mediterranean climate, and would be
classified as Temperate Oceanic (Cfb), except dry-summer patterns meet
Koeppen's minimum Cs thresholds. Other climate classification systems,
such as Trewartha, place these areas firmly in the Oceanic zone (Do)
Max. Min.
10 18:48 N 16 G 22 10.00 Fair CLR 72 39 30% NA NA 30.12 1014.8
10 17:48 N 17 G 24 10.00 Fair CLR 75 38 26% NA NA 30.12 1014.9
10 16:48 N 18 G 22 10.00 Fair CLR 77 38 79 74 24% NA 77 30.12 1014.7
10 15:48 N 21 G 30 10.00 Fair and Breezy CLR 78 36 22% NA 78 30.13 1014.9
10 14:48 N 21 G 26 10.00 Fair and Breezy CLR 78 39 25% NA 78 30.14 1015.3
10 13:48 N 21 10.00 Fair and Breezy CLR 77 38 24% NA 77 30.14 1015.2
10 12:48 NW 13 G 18 10.00 Fair CLR 76 35 23% NA 77 30.15 1015.5
10 11:48 N 9 G 22 10.00 Fair CLR 75 36 24% NA NA 30.15 1015.8
10 10:48 N 16 G 22 10.00 Fair CLR 74 36 74 61 25% NA NA 30.15 1015.6
10 09:48 N 14 10.00 Fair CLR 72 37 28% NA NA 30.14 1015.4
10 08:48 N 18 10.00 Fair CLR 68 38 33% NA NA 30.12 1015.2
10 07:48 N 20 G 25 10.00 Fair CLR 64 40 41% NA NA 30.11 1015.0
10 06:48 N 18 G 24 10.00 Fair CLR 63 38 40% NA NA 30.10 1014.3
10 05:48 N 15 G 22 10.00 Fair CLR 61 41 48% NA NA 30.09 1013.9
10 04:48 N 21 G 31 10.00 Fair and
Breezy CLR 62 42 66 60 48% NA NA 30.08 1013.3
10 03:48 N 16 G 28 10.00 Fair CLR 61 41 48% NA NA 30.08 1013.2
10 02:48 N 12 10.00 Fair CLR 62 40 44% NA NA 30.09 1013.2
10 01:48 NW 17 G 29 10.00 Fair CLR 64 41 43% NA NA 30.09 1013.2
10 00:48 N 14 G 26 10.00 Fair CLR 65 41 42% NA NA 30.09 1013.4
09 23:48 NW 12 10.00 Fair CLR 65 39 39% NA NA 30.10 1013.8
09 22:48 W 5 10.00 Fair CLR 65 36 78 63 34% NA NA 30.10 1014.0
09 21:48 SW 6 10.00 Fair CLR 65 25 22% NA NA 30.10 1014.4
09 20:48 S 5 10.00 Fair CLR 65 33 31% NA NA 30.10 1014.3
09 19:48 S 9 10.00 Fair CLR 65 43 45% NA NA 30.08 1014.2
09 18:48 S 10 G 20 10.00 Fair CLR 70 40 34% NA NA 30.07 1013.4
09 17:48 S 17 G 24 10.00 Fair CLR 75 36 24% NA NA 30.06 1012.9
09 16:48 S 14 G 22 10.00 Fair CLR 78 35 82 75 21% NA 78 30.06 1012.7
09 15:48 S 14 10.00 Fair CLR 80 35 20% NA 79 30.06 1012.5
09 14:48 S 14 G 21 10.00 Fair CLR 81 28 14% NA 79 30.06 1012.5
09 13:48 S 15 G 24 10.00 Fair CLR 80 30 16% NA 78 30.07 1012.6
09 12:48 S 14 G 21 10.00 Fair CLR 79 30 17% NA 78 30.07 1012.6
09 11:48 S 12 G 17 10.00 Fair CLR 76 34 22% NA 77 30.07 1012.9
09 10:48 SW 10 10.00 Fair CLR 75 35 75 58 23% NA NA 30.07 1013.0
09 09:48 Vrbl 7 10.00 Fair CLR 70 38 31% NA NA 30.07 1013.1
09 08:48 SW 5 10.00 Fair CLR 67 38 35% NA NA 30.06 1013.0
09 07:48 W 6 10.00 Fair CLR 63 38 40% NA NA 30.04 1012.6
09 06:48 W 7 10.00 Fair CLR 59 39 48% NA NA 30.04 1012.4
09 05:48 W 3 10.00 Fair CLR 59 39 48% NA NA 30.02 1011.6
09 04:48 W 6 10.00 Fair CLR 60 40 66 59 48% NA NA 30.02 1011.2
09 03:48 NW 5 10.00 Fair CLR 60 40 48% NA NA 30.03 1011.6
09 02:48 NW 8 10.00 Fair CLR 61 40 46% NA NA 30.04 1011.6
09 01:48 NW 7 10.00 Fair CLR 62 42 48% NA NA 30.04 1011.8
09 00:48 NW 12 10.00 Fair CLR 64 42 45% NA NA 30.05 1011.9
08 23:48 NW 10 10.00 Fair CLR 64 39 40% NA NA 30.07 1012.6
08 22:48 SW 5 10.00 Fair CLR 64 32 78 62 30% NA NA 30.07 1013.0
08 21:48 SW 5 10.00 Fair CLR 64 36 35% NA NA 30.08 1013.5
08 20:48 SW 3 10.00 Fair CLR 62 37 40% NA NA 30.07 1013.6
08 19:48 Vrbl 5 10.00 Fair CLR 66 34 30% NA NA 30.06 1013.2
08 18:48 SW 7 10.00 Fair CLR 70 40 34% NA NA 30.07 1013.4
08 17:48 S 8 10.00 Fair CLR 75 38 26% NA NA 30.07 1013.2
08 16:48 SE 13 10.00 Fair CLR 78 35 81 74 21% NA 78 30.07 1013.2
08 15:48 S 15 G 24 10.00 Fair CLR 79 35 20% NA 78 30.07 1013.1
08 14:48 SE 15 G 26 10.00 Fair CLR 81 34 18% NA 79 30.08 1013.2
08 13:48 S 17 G 25 10.00 Fair CLR 80 36 20% NA 79 30.10 1013.7
08 12:48 SE 13 G 24 10.00 Fair CLR 79 37 22% NA 78 30.10 1013.9
08 11:48 SW 14 G 20 10.00 Fair CLR 77 38 24% NA 77 30.11 1014.2
08 10:48 S 7 10.00 Fair CLR 75 37 75 58 25% NA NA 30.12 1014.4
08 09:48 S 8 10.00 Fair CLR 71 39 31% NA NA 30.12 1014.6
08 08:48 SW 6 10.00 Fair CLR 67 39 36% NA NA 30.11 1014.7
08 07:48 N 13 10.00 Fair CLR 63 40 43% NA NA 30.10 1014.5
08 06:48 N 14 10.00 Fair CLR 60 41 50% NA NA 30.09 1014.1
08 05:48 NW 15 10.00 Fair CLR 59 41 51% NA NA 30.09 1013.8
08 03:48 NW 16 10.00 Fair CLR 58 46 65% NA NA 30.09 1013.6
08 02:48 NW 18 10.00 Fair CLR 60 45 58% NA NA 30.10 1013.9
08 01:48 NW 21 G 26 10.00 Fair and Breezy CLR 61 44 54% NA NA 30.11 1014.3
08 00:48 NW 18 10.00 Fair CLR 63 40 43% NA NA 30.13 1014.6
07 23:48 N 17 G 24 10.00 Fair CLR 65 38 37% NA NA 30.14 1014.8
07 22:48 NW 14 10.00 Fair CLR 66 40 79 65 39% NA NA 30.15 1015.4
07 21:48 NW 14 G 21 10.00 Fair CLR 66 44 45% NA NA 30.15 1015.8
07 20:48 NW 14 G 22 10.00 Fair CLR 67 42 41% NA NA 30.15 1015.8
07 19:48 NW 10 10.00 Fair CLR 68 42 39%
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