
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

USGS (United States Geological Society) state a Earthquake in Turkey with Latitude (Lat) and Longitude (Long) nearly equal

The Lat Long of a Eathquake in Turkey is nearly equal
inso most would not even concern oneself with such fact - unless one
seperate in Communication frequencies within the Siesomgraph equipment
itself - in School all have been taught that the Earth is not a
perfect Sphere - some think its egg like design in God's Building - as
Humor to cracks as The Earth did when Moses frought with His Sister -
So to locate such we as little humans decided to find how to measure
the Earth - to our surprise we found a big magnet to the North - but
if in the far South of the Earth such could not apply - so as the
story continues a line from the magnitude that we change to up and
down thence to side to side with such lines and found steel and put on
a leaf and saw in water as the leaf float it turned to the Northerly
with the little steel - our wisdom grew to match a Joke of God - so
someone said "What are you looking for?" We the old man said I want to
find where I'm at to where a Earthquake is so I don't end up with
Moses Sister - what that means a Earthquake can be found by a slight
shift in the magnet steel - but a volcano has all elements and the
magnet is not seen in any shifting and in Radio we call such clear air
- but in calling a earthquake near center of Lat and Long such is a
chaos sound to air sound - but the real area is clear air - location
in Turkey is false call - allow a magnet pirate of Moses Sister to
come a take the clear air of a Volcano - so what about San Andreas -
such is a Northerly - Southerly line that go against the turn of the
Earth and a chaos air - it is found by a Compass as a shift but Mount
Shasta a volcano has no shift as such holds all elements and a
Government agency call Federal Communication Commission can License
its frequencies but it can't nor will license earthquake fault
frequencies - The Pirate knows that and helps the Computer misname
Volcano's to Earthquake faults so such Pirate can steal a frequencies
- after awhile the Pirate learns that a Sesiomgraph has frequencies in
it with a "/" with it and learn how to intercept the Sesiomgraph
frequency and with enough magnet "nuclear" wattage can bounce back
unto the Earth that the Sesiomgraph uses to measure and make a
Earthquake in a clear air area call a volcano and then we get a
product with its namesake "Kin to Fire" or kin dole fire - like Hawaii
pineapple and Her Volcano's all done without a License and undercover
of a USGS Earthquake - so that is why "Fbi Latest" seperates
Earthquake and Volcano reports mainly domestic and some outer areas -
International still is used under Earthquake report - but The United
Nations does get such information and shall be investigating the theft
of such frequencies by Air Pirates.

President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
goldlandabstracts; link check
own search engine - The United
States International Policies aol Federal Communication

Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
transmission may contain legally privileged information that
is intended only for the individual or entity recipient, you are hereby,
notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance upon the
contents of this E-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
E-mail transmission in error, please reply to the sender, so arrangements
can be made for proper delivery. Title 42
USCS section 192 etseq Margie Paxton Chief of Childrens Bureau
Director of The United States Department of Human Services; Defendant
Article IV General Provisions Section 2
(Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing
in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding"
Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal;

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