DisasterAssistance.gov is the official website devoted to helping disaster survivors. It's a portal to help survivors locate more than 70 forms of assistance across 17 federal agencies via the internet using their desktop computer, tablet or mobile device. Using prescreening technology, DisasterAssistance.gov offers an anonymous questionnaire that generates a personalized list of assistance a survivor can apply for based on the answers. The site also provides other disaster-related information and resources to help before, during and after a disaster.  Going Mobile: FEMA Launches Redesigned www.FEMA.govEarlier this fall, FEMA launched the newly redesigned www.FEMA.gov with enhanced features. There will be continuous improvements to the site including an improved search function and a streamlined navigation tab which can direct the user anywhere in the site without having to scroll or toggle through multiple pages. Additionally, ready.gov and fema.gov became mobile friendly. Visitors can now view each site on their phone, tablet, or desktop computer and have the same content experience. Now that ready.gov and fema.gov are mobile-enabled, m.fema.gov will be sunset this month as it is no longer needed.    New Disaster Assistance Resources for Native AmericansAn interagency partnership recently launched a new website "NativeOneStop.gov" aimed at consolidating available resources for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Now resources for Native Americans can be found in a consolidated website, www.NativeOneStop.gov. The site is a single, central location with content and programs from 17 Federal agencies, almost all of whom are partners with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Disaster Assistance Improvement Program (DAIP) website, DisasterAssistance.gov and the Department of Labor's (DOL) website, Benefits.gov. The site was developed in response to the White House's Generation Indigenous (Gen-I) initiative, which "focuses on improving the lives of Native youth through new investments and increased engagement." Through an agreement between DOL's Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM), and the Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs is working with the DOL's Benefits.gov program team to develop this new site which was launched in early November 2015. The site currently includes over 80 different resources from needs-based categories such as education, employment, environment, food, loans, and youth. Visitors may answer a series of questions on the site to determine if they are eligible to apply for any of these American Indian or Alaska Native specific resources. In the coming months, the number of resources is expected to grow as the site continues to include additional programs from across government. In addition to the progress made with the launch of www.NativeOneStop.gov, tribal leaders can now request Federal assistance following a disaster directly to the Office of the President of the U.S. without having to go through state governors. NativeOneStop.gov is another step toward making Federal services more accessible to Native Americans. Check both www.NativeOneStop.gov and www.DisasterAssistance.gov often for up to date information following a disaster or for helpful resources to prepare for one.  Recovery Improvements for Small Entities (RISE) After Disaster Act Becomes LawThe Recovery Improvements for Small Entities Disaster or "RISE After Disaster" Act was signed into law on November 25, 2015. This new legislation gives the Administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA) the authority to make disaster loans for Superstorm Sandy for a period of one additional year. The Act authorizes SBA to revise the disaster deadline for major Presidential declarations for Superstorm Sandy in Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island. Additionally, SBA will be accepting applications under its related agency declarations for North Carolina, Puerto Rico, Virginia, West Virginia and certain counties in Maryland. Homeowners, renters, businesses and private nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. Visit www.sba.gov or www.DisasterAssistance.gov for more information about SBA's disaster loans.   FEMA Extends Registration Period from South Carolina Floods to January 3 Disaster survivors of the historic South Carolina floods, in declared areas, can now apply for assistance through January 3. FEMA has extended the period of registration an additional 30 days. Due to the severity of the flooding in South Carolina, especially to rural and underserved populations, FEMA is granting additional time for individuals to apply for assistance. Visit www.DisasterAssistance.gov to see the interactive map of currently declared disasters on the landing page. By clicking the state of South Carolina a list of counties listed for the declared disaster will appear. In addition, www.DisasterAssistance.gov provides applicants with specific guidance and information about disaster assistance and the application process. (Photo Credit: FEMA Photo Library, Walter Jennings) |
DisasterAssistance.gov Site Metrics Calendar Year 2015: January 1 through November 30, 2015 |
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