
Thursday, May 29, 2014

United States Department of Interior Mandamus Warrent Issue 626

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Date: May 29, 2014 5:52 PM
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A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California

Issue 626-05/29/14- Visit us on
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Wildfire flames move over a chaparral hillside at the Hunters Fire. Volunteers clean up garbage at BLM's Steele Peak Reserve. BLM photo Three leaf-nosed bats held in a biologists hands. BLM photo Trinidad school students dressed in costume for the Trinidad lighthouse transfer event. BLM photo Star trails at night from Sinkard Wilderness Study Area. Bob Wick photo


- Wildland Fire Management
- Discover the Coast
- Wildlife Trivia Question of the Week
- Headlines and Highlights
- BLM and Department of Interior Highlights
- Upcoming BLM California Events

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Flames burn in chaparral hillside of the Hunters Fire. Hunters Fire Photos and Information (BLM Facebook) BLM is one of many interagency partners supporting CAL FIRE with wildfire management efforts at the Hunters Fire in Mariposa County...

Helicopter drop on Hunters Fire.Central California Wildfire Burns Out of Control, Threatens 100 Homes (Reuters, 05/27/14) The Hunters Fire, west of Yosemite National Park, threatened more than 100 homes. Approximately 500 firefighters were working to contain the blaze, including crews from Cal Fire, the U.S. Forest Service, the BLM and dozens of local fire aids...

BLM Announces Fire Restrictions for Various Locations Around the State
(BLM Website) Visit our BLM California News Room webpage for a list of news releases announcing fire restrictions on various BLM public lands.

Graphic image for WILDFIRE.ORG
(CA Wildland Fire Coordinating Group Website) Get campfire permits, debris burning guidance, equipment and vehicle safety information, wildfire forecasting and more.


Kids from Trinidad School are dressed in costumes for a Trinidad Lighthouse skit. BLM photoVIDEO: Discover the Coast @ Trinidad - Lighthouse Celebration (BLM YouTube) Join the community of Trinidad as they celebrate the transfer of the Trinidad Head Lighthouse from the Coast Guard to the BLM.

Kids wander the north coast tidepools of Trinidad with BLM and Friends of the Dunes. Friends of the Dunes and the Redwoods Coast Montessori's Coastal Stewards
(BLM Facebook) BLM, Friends of the Dunes, and Redwood Coast Montessori have been working on the Coastal Stewards project for the past year.

BLM California's Discover the Coast text graphic logo. Visit Our Discover The Coast Website
(BLM website)
Learn more about our Discover the Coast campaign, partnerships, and events.



California leaf-nosed bats in a biologists hands. BLM photo

Spring bat monitoring has jumped into high gear in the California Desert, just ask Sterling White, Abandoned Mine Lands Specialist at the BLM's California Desert District. He's shared some fun trivia with us about one of his favorite bats...the California Leaf-nosed bat.

Which of the following statements about the California Leaf-nosed bat is false?

(a) It is the only bat in North America, north of Mexico, with large ears and a leaf-like projection on the nose.

(b) They migrate long distances following waterways and riparian corridors.

(c) Their helicopter-like flight enables them to pluck insects directly from foliage without slowing down.

(d) They can detect and locate their insect prey by listening for the faintest of sounds, like that of a cricket walking.

(e) Their night vision ability has been compared to that of military goggles, enabling them to spot tiny sleeping insects illuminated by nothing more than star light.

(f) They don't crawl on thumbs and toes like most bats. While perched on a cave/mine ceiling, they dangle by one leg and swing their feet in a backward stride, bending the head at right angles toward the rear, so that it's looking ahead while walking.

See answer - and more information near the end of this News.bytes.


Volunteers clean up garbage at BLM's Steele Peak Reserve. BLM photoSteele Peak Reserve Cleanup Day (BLM Facebook)
What do the BLM,, Riverside County Waste Management, the American Conservation Experience, and an endangered kangaroo rat have in common?

BLM Says Iron Canyon Trail is Safe
(KRCR ABC, 05/23/14) The death of 69-year-old Francis Patrick Gregory has many asking questions. Gregory was hiking the Iron Canyon Trail with his friend when they both were shot. The BLM's Field Manager Jennifer Mata said their trails are safe.

RELATED: Video (KRCR News Website)
BLM says Iron Canyon Trail is safe.

BLM Announces $2 Million in Funding to Hire Youth to Work on Public Lands in California (Sierra Sun Times, 05/23/14) As part of BLM's commitment to connecting youth and the outdoors, three projects in California received funding to support conservation employment and mentoring opportunities throughout the state. These projects will also support approximately 70 volunteers working on public lands...

Gabe Garcia, BLM, talks at a US Embassy work on oil and gas. U.S. Embassy Workshop Environmental Information Analysis and Compliance in Oil and Gas Exploration and Development
(BLM Facebook) Gabe Garcia, Field Manager for BLM's Bakersfield Field Office, was one of the experts presenting at a workshop with over thirty officials from the United States and Papua New Guinea

Star trails line the night sky from BLM's Slinkard Wilderness Study Area. Bob Wick, BLM photoStar Trails at the Slinkard Wilderness Study Area
(BLM Facebook)
The star trails image encompasses about 40 minutes of exposure time and captures the movement of the milky way.


BLM and DEPARTMENT of the INTERIOR Highlights

An old oak tree stands in the grassy hill of Fort Ord National Monument. BLM photoBLM Last Week: May 19-23, 2014 (BLM Tumblr)
President Obama signed a proclamation establishing the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument; Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell last week announced $6.7 million in grants to support conservation employment and mentoring opportunities; BLM Director Neil Kornze kicked off the new @BLMDirector Twitter account...

Rocky desert of Orga Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument. BLM photoVIDEO- This Week at Interior: May 23, 2014
(DOI YouTube)
Here's what happened this week at Interior: President Obama designates half a million acres in New Mexico for the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument; and Secretary Jewell travels to Denver to announce $6.7million in public/private grants to hire young people to work on public lands across the nation.


BLM Extends Nomination Deadline for Northern Calif. Advisory Council
(BLM News Release) The BLM has extended the nomination deadline for membership on the Northern California Advisory Council, a citizen group that advises the agency on management of public lands. There are 15 vacancies for terms of one, two and three years.

May 29: Workshop Set for Proposed Mineral Withdrawal along Wild and Scenic Trinity River
(BLM News Release) A public workshop will be held Thursday, May 29, on two proposals to withdraw public lands along the Trinity Wild and Scenic River from availability for mining. The session will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Trinity Congregational Church Parish Hall, 735 Main St. in Weaverville.

Apr-Jun. 1: Clear Creek (near Redding) Outings
(BLM Facebook) We are offering everyone a chance to learn more about our natural world in a series of free outings near Clear Creek south of Redding. Topics on these free guided hikes include fire ecology and more.

June 9-13: Volunteers Welcome for Archaeology Week Projects

Anyone interested in archaeology of the Great Basin along the California-Nevada border is welcome to join the Bureau of Land Management Eagle Lake Field Office for its inaugural Archaeology Volunteer Week. Join BLM archaeologists in archaeological survey and recording work in the high desert northeast of Susanville.

Apr-Oct. 23: Webcasts Scheduled to Solicit Comments on Route 66 Management Plan
(BLM News Release) The California Historic Route 66 Association and BLM California Desert District have scheduled four webcasts to continue soliciting public comments on the preparation of a corridor management plan for the segment of historic Route 66.

WILDLIFE TRIVIA ANSWER and Related Information

California leaf-nosed bats held in a biologists hands. BLM photoWhich of the following statements about the California Leaf-nosed bat is false?

(b) FALSE: "They migrate long distances following waterways and riparian corridors." They do not migrate. They are restricted from migrating farther north by their inability to hibernate or migrate. Their short, broad wings are not suited to long-distance travel.

SOURCE: The California Leaf-nosed Bat, Sophisticated Desert Survivor
(Bat Conservation International Website)

SOURCE: California Leaf-nosed Bat
(Desert Museum Website)

Bats and Mines in the California Desert (BLM Website)
Abandoned mines house significant colonies of bats, many of which include threatened and endangered species. Bats are important and valued members of the environment; they can eat up to half their weight in insects each night and are instrumental in pollination and seed dispersal. Bat Conservation International, the BLM, the Forest Service, FWS, and National Park Service have partnered to help protect vulnerable bat species in abandoned mines.

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News.bytes published by
Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600

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