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From: guy perea <guyperea1@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 12:34:58 +0800
To: guyperea1.columbia@blogger.com
The English term, according to the Ven. Bede (De temporum ratione, I,
v), relates to Estre, a Teutonic goddess of the rising light of day
and spring, which deity , however, isotherwise unknown, even in the
Edda (Simrock, Mythol., 362); Anglo-Saxon , eâster, eâstron ; Old High
German , ôstra, ôstrara, ôstrarûn ; German , Ostern . April was called
easter-monadh . The plural eâstron is used, because the feast lasts
seven days. Like the French plural Pâques , it is a translation from
the Latin Festa Paschalia , the entire octave of Easter. The Greek
term for Easter, pascha , has nothing in common with the verb paschein
, "to suffer,"although by the later symbolic writers it was connected
with it; it is the Aramaic form of the Hebrew pesach ( transitus ,
passover ). The Greeks called Easter the pascha anastasimon ; Good
Friday the pascha staurosimon. The respective terms used by the Latins
are Pascharesurrectionis and Pascha crucifixionis. In the Roman and
Monastic Breviaries the feast bears the title Dominica Resurrectionis
; inthe Mozarabic Breviary , In Lætatione Diei Pasch Resurrectionis ;
in the Ambrosian Breviary , In Die Sancto Paschæ . The Romance
languages have adopted the Hebrew-Greek term: Latin , Pascha ; Italian
, Pasqua ; Spanish , Pascua ; French , Pâques. Also some Celtic and
Teutonic nations use it: Scottish , Pask ; Dutch , Paschen ; The
correct word in Dutch is actually Pasen Danish , Paaske ; Swedish ,
Pask ; even in the German provinces of the Lower Rhine the people call
the feast Paisken not Ostern. The word is, principally in Spain and
Italy , identified with the word "solemnity" and extended to other
feasts , e.g. Sp. , Pascua florida , Palm Sunday ; Pascua de
Pentecostes , Pentecost ; Pascua dela Natividad , Christmas ; Pascua
de Epifania , Epiphany . In some parts of France also First Communion
is called Pâques , whatever time of theyear administered.
The feast
Easter is the principal feast of the ecclesiastical year. Leo I (Sermo
xlvii in Exodum ) calls it the greatest feast ( festum festorum ), and
says that Christmas is celebrated only in preparation for Easter. It
is the centre of the greater part of the ecclesiastical year. The
order of Sundays from Septuagesima to the last Sunday after Pentecost
, the feast of the Ascension , Pentecost , Corpus Christi , and all
other movable feasts , from that of the Prayer of Jesus in the Garden
(Tuesday after Septuagesima ) to the feast of the Sacred Heart (Friday
after the octave of Corpus Christi ), depend upon the Easter date .
Commemorating the slaying of the true Lamb of God and the Resurrection
of Christ , the corner-stone upon which faith is built, it is also the
oldest feast of the Christian Church , as old as Christianity , the
connecting link between the Old and New Testaments . That the
Apostolic Fathers do not mention it and that we first hear of it
principally through the controversy of the Quartodecimans are purely
accidental . The connection betweenthe Jewish Passover and the
Christian feast of Easter is real andideal. Real , since Christ died
on the first Jewish Easter Day; ideal, like the relation between type
and reality, because Christ's death and Resurrection had its figures
and types in the Old Law , particularly in the paschal lamb , which
was eaten towards evening of the 14th of Nisan. In fact, the Jewish
feast wastaken over into the Christian Eastercelebration; the liturgy
( Exsultet ) sings of the passing of Israel through the Red Sea , the
paschal lamb , the column of fire, etc. Apart, however, from the
Jewish feast , the Christians would have celebrated the anniversary of
the death and the Resurrection of Christ . But for such a feast it was
necessary to know the exact calendar date of Christ's death . To know
this day was very simple for the Jews ; it was the day after the 14th
of the first month, the 15th of Nisan of their calendar . But in other
countries of the vast Roman Empire there were other systems of
chronology . The Romans from 45 B.C. had used the reformed Julian
calendar ; there were also the Egyptian and the Syro-Macedonian
calendar . The foundation of the Jewish calendar was the lunar year of
354 days, whilst the other systems depended on the solar year. In
consequence the first days of the Jewish months and years did not
coincide with any fixed days of the Roman solar year. Every fourth
year of the Jewish system had an intercalary month. Since this month
was inserted, not according to some scientific method or some definite
rule, but arbitrarily, by command of the Sanhedrin , a distant Jewish
date can never with certainty be transposed into the corresponding
Julian or Gregorian date (Ideler, Chronologie, I, 570 sq.). The
connection between the Jewish and the Christian Pasch explains the
movable character of this feast . Easter has no fixed date , like
Christmas , because the 15th of Nisan of the Semitic calendar
wasshifting from date to date on the Julian calendar . Since Christ ,
the true Paschal Lamb
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