
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Disussion on Autism

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Ralph Perea
Well Mr Lord since "You" pulled a number of Comments would that be
like a government coverup - lets look at this fact from http:// in National Center onBirth Defects and Developmental
Center in a Abstract in 2005 that"About 40% do not talk at all"
thathave the Disabilities - as my Son was growing up He didn't talk
until He was just about to enter pre-school - he wasn't born from my
sister according to Birth records and I had to explain that over and
over to my former wife that our Home is not a Foster Home- finally the
Doctor told my former wife to stop listening to all the cause searcher
for donations for a Disabilities that has been around since Lot's time
- so Mr Lord checkand see why such a cause in the benefit of the fear
of a family whena child doesn't talk for a long time - and check out
what cdc assist in and try and not pull Comments.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
6 hours ago · Like · Remove
Mel Thornburg
It does so only for a short time. After the 15-24mths. required for
the prion proteins to share their genes with infectious organisms.
Then the cells are just stupified.
1 hour ago · Like
Joel Lord
I think you've got some notions based on false pretenses, Ralph, as I
didn't "pull' any article or data you may have presented in context to
anything I posted here. FB is riddled with such glitches, and postings
do drop off much of the time due to the overload on their systems. As
for your providing a reference to the glories of the CDC, I'm certain
you would quickly sharpen your perspective on their whole operation,
given a deeper plunge into CDC corruption - which is rampant by the
way. They are tied to Big Pharma Private-Public financed eugenics
directives throughout the Second & Third World, routinely rig studies
in favorof Vaccine/Drug Industry Product endorsement, while endorsing
massvaccination protocols for pregnant women, children as young as 6
months and the elderly and those with compromised immune systems at
birth. They were also responsiblefor the development & subsequent
release of the laboratory produced H1N1 hybrid virus.
1 hour ago · Like
Joel Lord
'Production of viral vaccines generally involves inoculation of a cell
substrate (surface area/casing of cell) with a vaccine seed and
purification of bulk product from these cells after a sufficient time
for replication of the virus or production of vaccine proteins. Other
raw materials (e.g., tissue culture reagents, stabilizers) may be
added to the product at various stages of production. Thus,
adventitious agents could theoretically enter a viral vaccine through
any of these ingredients.
Close control of the vaccine manufacturing environment (by producing
vaccines in sophisticatedmodern facilities), appropriate testing of
the raw materials, and testing of both the bulk and final products can
help ensure that adventitious agents have not entered the vaccine.
Most vaccinesare subjected to inactivation or purification steps that
can reduce likelihood of contamination with adventitious agents.'
Centers for Disease Control http:// ncidod/eid/
vol7no3_supp/ krause.htm
Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC
1 hour ago · Like
Joel Lord
"Many novel vaccines are produced in animal cell substrates, and
emerging infectious diseases may theoretically be transmitted from
animals to humans through these vaccines. The challenge of identifying
potential adventitious agents in vaccines closely parallelsthe
challenge of identifying the agents causing particular
emerginginfectious diseases.' CDC
1 hour ago · Like
Mel Thornburg
Are you guys actually debating the CDC as a credible medical institution? LOL
1 hour ago · Like
Mel Thornburg
http:// www.springerlink .com/content/ 370n60275344j34l /fulltext.html
In the German general population, 3–17% are seropositive for
Borreliaantibodies. No Borrelia DNA was detected in the aneurysm wall.
Our findings suggest a relationship between AAAs and B. burgdorferi
sl. We hypothesize that the underlying mechanism for B. burgdorferi sl
in AAA formation is similar to that by the spirochete Treponema
pallidum; alternatively, AAAs could develop due to induced
autoimmunity via molecular mimicry due to similarities between some
ofthe B. burgdorferi sl proteins and aortic proteins.
Try telling the CDC that Jett Travolta did not have to suffer and die
from his seizures...
http:// watch?feature=pl ayer_embedded&v =yOno_2m_8LY
Presence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato antibodies in the serum of
patients with abdominal aorti
59 minutes ago · Like
Joel Lord
You may take comfort in the CDC viewpoint that your son's outward
withdrawal is perfectly normal and nothing to draw any conclusions
over visa vi an actual causal link tracing back to his earliest
exposure to toxicity via his injections received, but I assure you,
proper detective work must be done to determine the source, and the
culprit is invariably the shots. 100% guaranteed.
59 minutes ago · Like · 2
Mel Thornburg
http:// www.huffingtonpo 10/ whooping-cough-w
ashington-epide mic_n_1507249.h tml?ref=health- news&ir=Health+
They have been told by the worlds leading experts of the real AIDS and
now Borrelia and yet the CDC still side with criminals to commit
crimes against humanity.
http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih .gov/pubmed/ 22544270 2012 Apr
THANK YOU U. of KY. !!!
EbfC (YbaB) is a new type of bacterial nucleoid-associ ated protein,
and a global regulator of gene expression in the Lyme disease
They are telling the world that the infectious oganisms share their
genes to hide from the tests we have been give. Stupid must not add to
the mix. They did not kill anyinfections out of vaccines---vacc ines
perpetuated those infections by allowing them to share their genes not
only with us and other organisms, but with any DNA as exhibited in all
those who suffer in a "Syndrome" with Morgellons.
Whooping Cough Epidemic Declared In Washington State
50 minutes ago · Like
Ralph Perea
"Darwin" correction Baseline Eukaryotic cell of all plants, animals,
algae, and fungi such use bacterium to grow into Mitichondriais aforce
move to further Darwin Doctrine to justify not assisting in germ War
Fare, and such is a attack on Welfare of Citizens (People) of The
United States Constitution. In force the enzyme motor within
Mitochondria that hasnesses the flow of protons to force (word again
in measure of force like bulling) ATP from ADP and phosphate. ATP is
also known as ATP synthase (another OJ Simpson DNA synthase - now
force with copycat) .... protein synthesis- Adenosine tri(3)
phosphate"Delta" - and what is your point Mr.Lord?
Just now · Like ·

President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
goldlandabstracts <> The United
States International Policies aol Federal Communication

Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
transmission may contain legally privileged information that
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E-mail transmission in error, please reply to the sender, so arrangements
can be made for proper delivery, and then delete the message from your
system. Please consider the environment before printing this email. Title 42
USCS section 192 etseq Margie Paxton Chief of Childrens Bureau of as
Director of The United States Department of Human Services; Defendant
Article IV General Provisions Section 2
(Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing
in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding"
Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal;

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