
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Atlantic Easterlies begin a look of upcoming Hurricane Season as Morris Lighthouse begin new season

In 1956, the Coast Guard announced plans to construct a modern tower
on stable Sullivan's Island and deactivate the Morris Island
Lighthouse, which was now standing offshore. The new tower was
completed in 1962, and the Morris Island Lighthouse fell dark. At one
time the Coast Guard had plans to tear down the old tower, but locals
protested, and the structure survived.
The tower along with 421 acres of submerged land and 140 acres of
Morris Island were eventually auctioned off, and John Richardsonbecame
the owner of the lighthousefor the sum of $3,303.03. S.E. Felkel
subsequently purchased the tower in 1966 for $25,000. Thirty years
later, Paul Gunter acquired the tower and eighty acres of submerged
land in a foreclosure sale against Felkel. Gunter soon announced his
intention to sell the lighthouse for $100,000. Not wanting to see the
lighthouse fall into the hands of yet another developer, Save the
Light, Inc. wasquickly formed and purchased the tower for $75,000 in
1999. Save the Light sold the lighthouse for$1 in 2000 to the South
Carolina Department of Natural Resources, who then leased the light
back to preservation group. This move will permit the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers to work towards stabilizing the lighthouse.
During a two-week period in 2002, from May 24th to June 9th, the
Morris Island Lighthouse was lit once again. Floodlights were
installed underneath the walkway atop the tower, and the tower was
alternately bathed in white, red, green, blue and purple light. The
project was carried out by artist Kim Sooja, as part of the Spoleto
Festival held annually in Charleston. The artistic display brought
national attention to the endangered lighthouse, which will hopefully
help in its preservation.
In 2008, the first phase of a restoration plan was completed. The work
included the installation of a cofferdam that was sunk thirtyfeet
beneath the seabed and projects about fifteen feet above the water at
low tide. The interlocking, Z-shaped beams are protected by riprap
that prevents the current from scouring out the sand beneath the
cofferdam. The next phase of the project, which included jet-grouting
the foundation and filling the inside of the cofferdam with sand and a
concrete cap, was completed in 2009.
Winds in The Western Atlantic South of McClellanville to near
Homestead Florida has Easterly Saw Tooth winds in the sawing a squall
of Southerly to even a swing to The North is cutting any wave Gensis
into Tropical storm or depression - but winds are in The 20 to 30
knots range and is small craft warning through area bounded by
easterlies - lull of winds down to 5 to 10 knots shall be seen at
times prior to squalls timing to squalls shall be based on location of
the vessel to reckon coast by sexton as position is required to affix
to buoy location - such unsettle is common prior to first cycle of
Tropical wave on into depression - once completed then climate records

President of The United States
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