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From: "U.S. Census Bureau" <
Date: Mar 31, 2015 8:12 AM
Subject: Investigating Economic Indicators Webinar Series
To: <
 The U.S. Census Bureau’s Economic Indicators keep the world informed by providing the first official measures of the changing U.S. economy. Our Economic Indicators provide monthly and quarterly data that are timely, reliable, and offer comprehensive measures of the U.S. economy. These statistics cover construction, housing, international trade, retail trade, wholesale trade, services and manufacturing. The data provide measures of current economic activity that allow analysis of performance and inform business investment and policy decisions. Through the "Investigating Economic Indicators" webinar series, learn about the Economic Indicators data, how the data can be used, and how you can access the data. Join us for the first webinar “Measuring Our Economy: A Brief Overview of the Census Bureau’s Economic Indicators” on April 8th at 1:00 pm Eastern Time for an overview of the 13 Economic Indicators and what information is available for each. Visit www.census.gov/econ/webinar for additional details and information on future webinars.
Log-in Link: https://censusevent.webex.com/censusevent/onstage/g.php?d=743367082&t=a Dial-in Info 888-469-0959 Passcode: 4378094 | | | | | |

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