
Monday, January 26, 2015

Temporary Support Contact Change from Aveonics attack in airways to transmission of Doppler frequency in wind sheer to transmit email is proof of Genocide

Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "WeatherBug Backyard Community" <>
Date: Jan 25, 2015 7:43 PM
Subject: Temporary Support Contact Change
To: "" <>

Recently my "Backyard" email address with WeatherBug has undergone a massive junk mail attack. In order to continue to safely communicate with those needing personal email assistance from me, I have abandoned my "Backyard" email address  here at WeatherBug. I am in the process of having our IT department build me a new email account on the system, as well as we are currently in the process of rolling a new support contact form system that'll allow you to fill out a simple-to-use contact form on here that'll go straight to my inbox while preserving the security of my new email address to better combat junk mail.

In the meantime, there are three alternate ways to contact me until the new system is in place:

1. If you are a registered member of the Backyard Community, you can click over to my personal profile page on here and click on "Send a Message" to send me a message. That will still directly reach me. The direct link to that page is:

2. If you are not a registered member of the Backyard Community or need an alternate way to get a hold of me, here is a contact form at my personal website that will still reach me. The direct link to that page is:

It was broken for a while and not firing off messages, but that issue has been corrected, and it is again functional.

3. As a "last resort", you can follow me on my Twitter account "mallardnathan", and send me a Direct Message with your Name, Email, and a brief description of your issue. I will then personally email you back and assist.

This temporary support contact change is effective immediately. If you need to reach me, please use one of the three methods above. Any emails sent to my "Backyard" inbox on WeatherBug from this point forward will not be answered, nor will I be checking that inbox.

Furthermore, if someone asks you how to get in contact with me during this temporary transition, please provide them with one of the links above. Please do not directly expose any of my email addresses directly to the public Internet. Doing so will cause that inbox to become another junk mail target and put me right back in the same boat.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this transition. We will have a new and better support contact form and ticketing system in place shortly. In the meantime, it has come to the point where I can no longer securely access my "Backyard" inbox, so in the meantime, I have worked to provide alternate ways people can reach me until the new system in place. Our end user's security is a high priority, and I want to do everything I can to ensure it remains that way.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Nathan Parker

Visit WeatherBug Backyard Community at:

To control which emails you receive on WeatherBug Backyard Community, click here

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