Freeze Warning at San Jose Until: Thu, 9:00 am PDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
The Weather Bureau originally begain in the late 1880's in the begining of the new States of Washington, Idaho, Montana and North and South Dakota. The purpose was place weather in the Military as a Rating - and thus it sets with The President of The United States as a open or close Cabinet and The President to last open the cast was Former President Carter. Now is the new opening of weather cast is President Perea.
Freeze Warning at San Jose Until: Thu, 9:00 am PDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Freeze Warning at Phoenix Until: Fri, 9:00 am MST #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Special Weather Statement at Pasadena Until: Wed, 7:15 pm PDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Winter Weather Advisory at Dallas Until: Thu, 3:00 pm CDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Oasis Florida 84 degrees
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
High Wind Warning at Sandberg Until: Wed, 3:00 pm PDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Gale Warning at Nome Until: Tue, 6:00 pm AKDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Bondurant Wyoming -29 degrees
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
guy perea <>: Dec 30 06:41PM -0500 Freeze Watch at San Jose Until: Thu, 9:00 am PDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 30 06:35PM -0500 Wind Advisory at Salt Lake City Until: Wed, 4:00 am MDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 30 06:33PM -0500 Freeze Watch at Phoenix Until: Thu, 9:00 am MST #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 30 06:31PM -0500 Wind Advisory at Truckee Until: Wed, 12:00 pm PDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 30 05:34PM -0500 *Origin of the Crusades* The origin of the Crusades is directly traceable to the moral and political condition of Western Christendom <> in the eleventh ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 30 03:41PM -0500 Oasis Florida 93 degrees S$(tm) Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 30 12:21PM -0500 Pangkalpinang's population was 108,411 in 1990 and has risen to 174,838 at the 2010 Census.[1] <> The population is mainly Malay who speak ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 30 10:23AM -0500 The President (@ptusss) tweeted at 10:13 AM on Tue, Dec 30, 2014: The United States Navy is NOT INCLUDED in search of AirAsia due to pass down plane in Ukraine the Java Sea is currently off limit to ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 30 09:13AM -0500 Bondurant Wyoming -24 degrees S$(tm) Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 29 11:03PM -0500 Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: Dec 29, 2014 9:20 PM Subject: Abridged summary of ...more |
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The United States Navy 7th Fleet out of Admiral Perry Port of Call Northern Philippines shall move toward the Northern Inlet of The Java Sea to begin interception embargo to Philippines to cut off supplies from Communist Sector to California Texas New York and United Kingdom and in Southern Java Sea Embargo by Australia to near Papua New Guinea and Southern Indonesia but shall not entrap itself into Southern Communist Sector two other states of Indonesia on the Left to Right of the said Sector shall be under recon of The United States Military
The President (@ptusss) tweeted at 1:25 PM on Tue, Dec 30, 2014:
California Texas and New York link to Communist Sector of Java Sea where AirAsia went down
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Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Freeze Watch at San Jose Until: Thu, 9:00 am PDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Wind Advisory at Salt Lake City Until: Wed, 4:00 am MDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Freeze Watch at Phoenix Until: Thu, 9:00 am MST #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Wind Advisory at Truckee Until: Wed, 12:00 pm PDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Origin of the Crusades
The origin of the Crusades is directly traceable to the moral and political condition of Western Christendom in the eleventh century. At that time Europe was divided into numerous states whose sovereigns were absorbed in tedious and petty territorial disputes while the emperor, in theory the temporal head of Christendom, was wasting his strength in the quarrel over Investitures. The popesalone had maintained a just estimate of Christian unity; they realized to what extent the interests of Europe were threatened by the Byzantine Empire and theMohammedan tribes, and they alone had a foreign policy whose traditions were formed under Leo IX andGregory VII. The reform effected in the Church and the papacy through the influence of the monks of Cluny had increased the prestige of the Roman pontiffin the eyes of all Christiannations; hence none but thepope could inaugurate the international movement that culminated in the Crusades. But despite his eminent authority the pope could never have persuaded the Western peoples to arm themselves for the conquest of the Holy Land had not the immemorial relations between Syria and the West favoured his design.Europeans listened to the voice of Urban II because their own inclination and historic traditions impelled them towards the Holy Sepulchre.
From the end of the fifth century there had been no break in their intercourse with the Orient. In the earlyChristian period colonies ofSyrians had introduced the religious ideas, art, and culture of the East into the large cities of Gaul and Italy. The Western Christians in turn journeyed in large numbers to Syria, Palestine, and Egypt
After Mohammed's death Mohammedanism aspired to become a world power and a universal religion. The weakness of the Byzantine Empire, the unfortunate rivalry between the Greekand Latin Churches, theschisms of Nestorius andEutyches, the failing power of the Sassanian dynasty ofPersia, the lax moral code of the new religion, the power of the sword and of fanaticism, the hope of plunder and the love of conquest — all these factors combined with the genius of the caliphs, the successors of Mohammed, to effect the conquest, in considerably less than a century, of Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, NorthAfrica, and the South ofSpain. The Moslems even crossed the Pyrenees, threatening to stable their horses in St. Peter's atRome, but were at last defeated by Charles Martelat Tours, in 732, just one hundred years from the death of Mohammed. This defeat arrested their western conquests and savedEurope.
In the eighth and ninth centuries they conqueredPersia, Afghanistan, and a large part of India, and in the twelfth century they had already become the absolute masters of all Western Asia,Spain and North Africa,Sicily, etc. They were finally conquered by the Mongols and Turks, in the thirteenth century, but the new conquerors adopted Mohammed's religion and, in the fifteenth century, overthrew the totteringByzantine Empire (1453). From that stronghold (Constantinople) they even threatened the German Empire, but were successfully defeated at the gates of Vienna, and driven back across the Danube, in 1683.
Mohammedanism now comprises varioustheological schools and political factions. The Orthodox (Sunni) uphold the legitimacy of the succession of the first three caliphs, Abu Bakr, Omar, and Uthman, while the Schismatics (Shiah) champion the Divineright of Ali as against the successions of these caliphs whom they call "usurpers", and whose names, tombs, and memorials they insult and detest. The Shiah number at present about twelve million adherents, or about one-twentieth of the whole Mohammedan world, and are scattered overPersia and India.
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Oasis Florida 93 degrees
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Pangkalpinang's population was 108,411 in 1990 and has risen to 174,838 at the 2010 Census.[1] The population is mainly Malay who speak "Bahasa Bangkak" (Language), and a big portion of the population consists of Indonesian Chinese, who originally immigrated from Guangdong province of southern China. They are called 'Peranakan' ("Children of the Indies") locally, and they speak a Hakkadialect. But in conversation with another Chinese, they call themselves Thong Ngin (Tang People) and Fan Ngin for local Malay.
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
The President (@ptusss) tweeted at 10:13 AM on Tue, Dec 30, 2014:
The United States Navy is NOT INCLUDED in search of AirAsia due to pass down plane in Ukraine the Java Sea is currently off limit to USN
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Bondurant Wyoming -24 degrees
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
guy perea <>: Dec 29 05:15PM -0500 Wind Advisory at San Jose Until: Wed, 12:00 pm PDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 29 02:59PM -0500 Oasis Florida 86 degrees S$(tm) Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 29 12:46PM -0500 Wind Advisory at Salt Lake City Until: Wed, 4:00 am MDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 29 08:24AM -0500 Bondurant Wyoming -10 degrees S$(tm) Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 29 07:53AM -0500 Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: Dec 28, 2014 9:10 PM Subject: Abridged summary of ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 29 07:52AM -0500 Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "USGS ENS" <> Date: Dec 29, 2014 5:24 AM Subject: 2014-12-29 09:29:41 ...more |
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Wind Advisory at San Jose Until: Wed, 12:00 pm PDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Oasis Florida 86 degrees
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Wind Advisory at Salt Lake City Until: Wed, 4:00 am MDT #mycast
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Bondurant Wyoming -10 degrees
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
guy perea <>: Dec 28 05:52PM -0500 Winter Storm Watch at Barstow Until: Thu, 10:00 am PDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 05:43PM -0500 The War Department of The United States first off has not been dismantled as it works Directly under The Executive Branch either The President of The United States or The President of The United ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 04:37PM -0500 Winter Storm Watch at Sandberg Until: Wed, 4:00 pm PDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 04:27PM -0500 Deerfield Beach Florida 87 degrees S$(tm) Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 02:45PM -0500 The War Department of The United States issued a Act to assist War Veterans with a Pension and Care only after War Conditions nothing in the Act has anything to do with Homeless as after War ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 12:56PM -0500 The President (@ptusss) tweeted at 0:53 PM on Sun, Dec 28, 2014: AMS Journals info on AirAsia ( ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 12:43PM -0500;2 S$(tm) Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 11:57AM -0500 Behavior Conversions Goal 1: Media play Sessions % New Sessions New Users Bounce Rate Pages / Session Avg. Session Duration Media play (Goal 1 Conversion Rate) Media play (Goal 1 ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 11:38AM -0500 Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 11:15AM -0500 Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 10:42AM -0500 Fraser Colorado -14 degrees S$(tm) Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 10:16AM -0500 boundary extends approximately 4800 km from New Guinea to Sumatra and primarily separates Australia from the Eurasia plate, including the Sunda block. This portion is dominantly convergent and ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 09:59AM -0500 Winter Storm Warning at Nome Until: Mon, 12:00 pm AKDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 09:57AM -0500 Flash Flood Watch at Jackson Until: Sun, 6:00 pm CDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 09:55AM -0500 Winter Storm Warning at Salt Lake City Until: Mon, 4:00 pm MDT #mycast Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ...more |
guy perea <>: Dec 28 09:42AM -0500 Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: Dec 27, 2014 9:21 PM Subject: Abridged summary of ...more |
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Guy Perea Presidential Elector President of The United States
Magnitude | 6.1 |
Date-Time |
Location | 8.602N 121.504E |
Depth | 37 km |
Distances |
Location Uncertainty | Horizontal: 7.8 km; Vertical 6.4 km |
Parameters | Nph = 96; Dmin = 503.5 km; Rmss = 1.16 seconds; Gp = 35° Version = |
Event ID | us c000taik |
For updates, maps, and technical information, see: Event Page or USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
National Earthquake Information Center
U.S. Geological Survey
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