
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Shirley MacLaine with cover Yvonne De Carlo "Two Mules for Sister Sara" July 14 to assist United States POW during Vietnam

The French Holiday July 14 a continue Celebration in French Indo China
while in transfer to Vietnam in 1970's the Film of "Two Mules for
Sister Sara" center into the July 14 trek to Shirley home under a
different color bonnet. The work of the intelligence of The legion of
France as it so call apply in Mexico during the end of Spanish Rule
while under French Governor is a far fetch of Mexico filming but more
in line under Arizona location as shown in "Arizona Highway" the 1970
film released in 1971 became the First of Clint Eastwood on a Horse
but mainly his own rider - in notice again is the side saddle again by
Yvonne De Carlo on the Mule is Her Shirley cover to again her firsr
atempt to Western in French during The Vietnam War - a common way of
The United States to "Act" is a Constitutional Mandate of Article II
of The United States Constitution into the Leader of Government as
stated in The Presidents Bill of Rights - with July 14 used to cohort
into Vietnam to assist POW "Prisoner of War" that is the main thrust
of the film itself shared by a small United States Movie industry that
continue into protest attack that left The Film to History into Film
to assist The War support of Men and Woman in Conflict - still much is
still Classified to The World on how full relization of a film can
assist POW's of The Ally of The United States in Vietnam that later
Robin Williams forward with "Good Morning Vietnam" in use of Radio is
truely a "Back to The Future" of 1880's bridging into radio of The
1950's as The End of The Korea War showing fully how Communist of
China had to be Countered is a History Act - again July 14 as she side
saddle into French control is the Conflict of Counterintelligence to
The French, Mexico, Arizona, French Indo China, Vietnam and Peoples
Rebublic of China and States building of 1880's in the Sister "Act" is
The two Mules "French Indo China and Vietnam" that Shirley played as
Actress and Yvonne Side Saddle is The United States Self Govern of
July 14 that Her Shirley bonnet went to Red while she un-covered Here
self is how POW's were assisted and most saved -
Bastille Day
Date: 14 July
Bastille Day, the French national holiday, commemorates the storming
of the Bastille, which tookplace on 14 July 1789 and marked the
beginning of the French Revolution. The Bastille was a prison and a
symbol of the absolute and arbitrary power of Louis the 16th's Ancient
Regime. By capturing this symbol, the people signaled that the king's
power was no longer absolute: power should bebased on the Nation and
be limited by a separation of powers.
Etymology - Bastille
Bastille is an alternate spelling of bastide (fortification), from the
Provençal word bastida (built). There's also a verb: embastiller (to
establish troops in a prison). Although the Bastille only held seven
prisoners at the time of its capture, the storming of the prison was a
symbol of liberty and the fight against oppression for all French
citizens; like the Tricolore flag, it symbolized the Republic's three
ideals: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity for all French citizens.
It marked the end of absolute monarchy, the birth of the sovereign
Nation, and, eventually, the creation of the (First) Republic,in 1792.
Bastille Day was declared the French national holiday on 6 July 1880,
on Benjamin Raspail's recommendation, when the new Republic was firmly
entrenched. Bastille Day has such a strong signification for the
French because the holiday symbolizes the birth of the Republic.
La Marseillaise was written in 1792and declared the French national
anthem in 1795. Read and listen tothe words .
As in the US, where the signing of the Declaration of Independence
signaled the start of the American Revolution, in France the storming
of the Bastille began the Great Revolution. In both countries, the
national holiday thus symbolizes thebeginning of a new form of
On the one-year anniversary of the fall of the Bastille, delegates
from every region of France proclaimed their allegiance to a single
national community during the Fête de la Fédération in Paris - the
first time in history that a people had claimed their right to

President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
goldlandabstracts; link check
own search engine - The United
States International Policies aol Federal Communication

Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
transmission may contain legally privileged information that
is intended only for the individual or entity recipient, you are hereby,
notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance upon the
contents of this E-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
E-mail transmission in error, please reply to the sender, so arrangements
can be made for proper delivery. Title 42
USCS section 192 etseq Margie Paxton Chief of Childrens Bureau
Director of The United States Department of Human Services; Defendant
Article IV General Provisions Section 2
(Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing
in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding"
Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal;

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