The Doctrinal Assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women
Religious ( LCWR ), while devoting one sentence to acknowledging
"thegreat contribution of Women Religious to the Church in the United
States," condemned LCWR for having, "a prevalence of certain radical
feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faithin some of the
programs and presentations sponsored by the LCWR … Moreover, some
commentaries on 'patriarchy' distortthe way in which Jesus has
structured sacramental life in the Church." The statement came as a
great surprise to the sisters involved in and with LCWR . In addition
to surprise, many religious and laypersons in the U.S . are outraged
by the Vatican's unexpected and unreasonable appointment of Cardinal
Sartain to oversee the group.
Joan Chittister said that the Vatican's response is an attempt
tocontrol people's thinking, which would "make a mockery of the search
for God, of the whole notion of keeping eyes on the signs of the times
and of providing the people with the best possible spiritual guidance
and presence you can give." Unfortunately, the spiritual guidance that
has been emanating from the Church and its hierarchy as of late to
help people with their search for God has resulted in the decrease of
practicing American Catholics. Whether it is the
Vaticanexcommunicating the mother of a nine-year-old girl who had had
an abortion after being raped by her step-father, or Monsignor William
Lynn or Reverend James Brennan regarding their involvement in a
clerical sex-abuse scandal in Philadelphia. Whether it is the
clearlack of understanding from Archbishop Dolan with respect to the
plight for homeless LGBT youth in New York, or Bishop Daniel Jenky
likening President Obama with Hitler and Stalin, or the Vatican
reprimanding the Leadership Conference of Women Religious for
supposedly promoting radical feminist themes and being silent on the
issue of abortion. The Church and its male hierarchy have fallen very
hard from grace in the public eye.
What has certainly become clear from the outpour of critiques of
theChurch is the dichotomy that existsin the American Catholic Church
between preaching and practice. The Church must consider the imageit
creates for itself in the United States and recognize that there does
exist a point at which the words that are preached must be in line
with the actions that are practiced. For the Church to gain a positive
presence in the United States, there is a need for a renewed catholic
vision that focuses on the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ.
Condemnation of the work of American nuns does not resonate well with
this vision.
However, condemnation should not be the means the Vatican uses to
attract more people to the Church. Catholic means universal, a truth
that should not be applied only to scripture and doctrine, but to
behavior that models that of Christ.The moments that force people out
of the Universal Church are all teachable moments, but only if the
Church is willing to use them as such. Such condemnation removes focus
from the good work that the Church does in cities, towns and villages
across the world. Such condemnation hides from many whatshould be the
reasons to feel a sense of belonging to the Catholic Church — the
grass roots and structural focus on social justice from a myriad of
Catholic groups, like Catholic Relief Services, the work by other
groups to create interfaith dialogue in some of the most war-torn
regions of the world,or the efforts of some to educate others to enter
the world with a commitment to serving others as the driving force of
professionalism, among many. The negative images of the Church and its
hierarchy damage can hinder the image of the work that others, like
the sisters of LCWR , are doing in communities to help the oppressed
and promote the dignity of individuals.
Sister Simone Campbell, who was reprimanded in the Vatican's recent
report, said in an NPR interview, "What we do as Women Religious is,
we minister to people everywherewho are suffering, who are being
discriminated against, and we don't ask to see a baptismal
certificate. We serve everyone we find, in keeping with the Gospel of
Jesus." The faithful need the visible leaderswho exemplify that faith
and that Gospel teaching. They have those leaders in the sisters. The
beauty of the Church is and should be its ability to reach the poor
and vulnerable and to speak a language of love to all people. However,
the hierarchy must set the same example as the sisters, and exercising
condemnation of those who are compassionate rather than showing
compassion itself is most certainly not the right way to go about it.
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