
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Move by London by selective breeding into Genocide

African equids (horse family) united by their distinctive black and
white stripes. Their stripes come in different patterns, unique to
each individual. They are generally social animals that live in small
harems to large herds . Unlike their closest relatives, horses and
asses , zebrashave never been truly domesticated There are three
species of zebras: the plains zebra , the Grévy's zebra and the
mountain zebra . The plains zebra and the mountain zebra belong to the
subgenus Hippotigris , but Grevy's zebra is the sole species of
subgenus Dolichohippus . The latter resembles an ass , to which it is
closely related, while theformer two are more horse-like. All three
belong to the genus Equus , along with other living equids.
The unique stripes of zebras make them one of the animals most
familiar to people. They occur in a variety of habitats, such as
grasslands , savannas , woodlands , thorny scrublands , mountains ,
and coastal hills . However, various anthropogenic factors have had a
severe impact on zebra populations,in particular hunting for skins and
habitat destruction. Grevy's zebra and the mountain zebra are
endangered. While plains zebras aremuch more plentiful, one
subspecies, the quagga , became extinct in the late 19th century -
though there is currently a plan, called the Quagga Project , that
aims to breed zebras that are phenotypically similar to the quaggain a
process called breeding back The Quagga Project is an attempt bya
group in South Africa trying to achieve a breeding lineage of Plains
zebra which resemble the extinct quagga ( Equus quagga quagga ) by
selective breeding.
In 1955, Lutz Heck suggested in his book Grosswild im Etoshaland that
careful selective breeding with the plains zebra could produce an
animal resembling the extinct quagga: a zebra with reduced striping
and a brownish basic colour. Reinhold Rau visited in 1971various
museums in Europe to examine the quagga specimens in their
collections. During these visits he discussed with Dr.
TheodorHaltenorth , a mammalogist from Munich , Germany , the
feasibility ofattempting to re-breed the quagga.Haltenorth expected
that such a programme would be possible.
During later years, Reinhold Rau hadcontacted several zoologists and
Park authorities, but they were on the whole negative because the
quagga has left no living descendants, and thus the genetic
composition of this animal is not present in living zebras. Reinhold
Rau did not abandon his re-breeding proposal, as he considered the
quagga to be a subspecies of the plains zebra. selective breeding
Eugenics are the practice of isolating negative genes, and preserving
positive ones, whether through natural or social selection. Several
attempts have been made, throughout history, to do such, withhuman
intervention - all were short-lived, but none succeeded. Such methods
toward eugenics are: genocide , bioengineering or genetic
manipulation, and selective breeding.
Through natural selection , random or adaptive mutations occur. If
positive, in theory, the traits shouldprosper. If negative, or not
beneficial, however, they should fade away, if the family possessing
these genes doesn't die away before then.
With human intervention, this is accelerated - the isolation of
carriers of certain DNA can be achieved without blood shed, simplyif
no other group interbreeds, or if such a group discontinues
populating. However, more macabre means can be undertaken to reach
this, such as genocide. Still, yet, there are further, and possibly
morepromising methods, such as geneticmanipulation, for carriers of
such a trait could be "cured," rather than phased out, or
exterminated, altogether.

President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
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Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
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