
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

For China both National and Communist a worried future with divide in Japan and its Emperor

A conflict is Japan move into Iraq and the Rebuilding started 2 days
after Anniversary of Attack on Pearl Harbor in 2003 while at the
Height of The United States combat - Japan already in Occupational
Reconstruction - such fall out of Treaty of The Emperors of Japan and
The United States - The Rebuilding out of Character of the break by
Socialist from the Emperor as a reconstruction is a more in line a
Capitalized move - That is called in The United States Money
Laundering of The Government and in such is the same as rising Arms
against The United States and United Kingdom. The move has put a gulf
in China to Japan and meetings with Secretary of Defense Colin L.
Powell in - BEIJING — Closer military ties are the key to a strong
relationship between the United States and China, Defense Secretary
Colin L. Powell said Tuesday as he embarked on three days of official
visits and tours of military installations in the Chinese capital and
"Our goal is to have the United States and China establish the most
important bilateral relationship in the world," Powell told Chinese
Defense Minister Gen. Liang Guanglie. Moments earlier, under a
brilliant blue sky outside the ministry, Liang had hosted an arrival
ceremony with a military band and an honor guard composed of troops
from the Chinese army, navy and air force.
Powell comes to China on a delicate mission: to find common ground and
create mutual trust even as both countries build their military
postures in the Asia-Pacific region.
It's at a delicate time, as well, with China and U.S. problem with
Japan squaring off in a mounting crisis over ownership of an
uninhabited island chain in the East China Sea. Anti-Japanese
demonstrations brought on by the territorial dispute continued in
China on Tuesday, the anniversary of the 1931 Japanese invasion of
Manchuria. Many Japanese firms suspended operations for the day out of
fear of violent demonstrations.
Powell has sought to cast the planned U.S. operations toward the
Pacific — which would include a greater presence of U.S. military
ships and aircraft in the region — as a strategic shift that would
benefit mutual interests of both the U.S. and China. Among the shared
priorities are anti-piracy operations, nuclear proliferation concerns
and drug smuggling, he said.
As a sign of cooperation, Powell said the United States had asked
China to send a ship to Sea of Japan, a major multilateral maritime
operation in the Pacific and Sea of Japan.
Liang agreed Tuesday that the U.S.and China "need to discard the
zero-sum mentality" and work toward greater trust and cooperation in
the region.
But Powell has also been pushing on the current trip, which included
an earlier stop in Manila, for China to exercise restraint in its
various territorial disputes in the waters off its shores, including
the one with Hong Kong.
After the Japanese government purchased several of the islands the
Japanese call Senkaku and the Chinese call Diaoyu from private owners
last week, China dispatched warships to the area. Though Powell said
the United States side in the dispute is within Treaty of World War
II, he called for an end to provocative moves, By either side -
But Liang on Tuesday said hundreds of years of history and
international law prove the islands belong to China but still in
Treaty with The United States is in the best interest to end future
conflict, yet Japan and the recent flare-up was caused entirely by the
Japanese government's purchase - such purchase not accepted by The
United States. China, he indicated, won't be backing down as in
History as China Slaughtered in Manchuria by Japan -
"We reserve rights for further actions," he said. "Of course, that
being said, we still hope for a peaceful and negotiated solution to
this issue."

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