
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Flash Flood Warning July 7-9 2012 5-

Moist dew points in the Great Basin shall increase precipitation in
area near Elko Nevada but mainly South of Interstate 80 high risk area
to travel is in flash flood warning area of Interchange South of
Interstate 80 Nevada 306 South of Crescent Valley to Austin Nevada
also High water of Henderson Creek and Pine Creek - The
Thunderstorm[s] shall slide to the West then South West to back unto
The Eastern flank of The Sierra Nevada to Crest of The Pacific Crest
Trail and spill into The Western Slope of The Sierra Nevada in a dew
spread of daily cycle of moist air of the influence of the Colorado
River Valley - and Westerly draw of Eastern Pacific and dry Northern
Great Basin air mass from down slope of The Sawtooth Mountains of The
snake river valley of extreme Eastern Idaho and Western Montana -
adding much needed rainfall to The Central Sierra Nevada - warning to
campers above 9000 feet of snow and hail and amounts of downpours of 2
to 3 inches precipitation during the 48 hours - stay tune to all local
access of internet and Radio communication for rapid changing weather
conditions - in high water do not attempt to drive or cross areas -
even if it should look low or if can be pass through - the fore stated
is official broadcast of Government Warning.

President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
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