A current review by Congree of the approach of Government Employees to be allowed to have ad service in Compliance of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - such Act is mainly used in exchange of interdepartmental information including interagency - in any of information such cost has been disputed between Public and Private over the years - such has come forward in work while under Social Security that does seperate ourselves from a Socialist Society is the 1st Amendment of The Bill of Rights of The United States Contitution in petition and such has been included in Social Security with earning ever $2.00 over the maxium income the Benefits are reduced $1.00 in FOIA the same applies to a Government (Federal) workers of outside income for usage toward the common term 'tip' for regulated areas.
Guy Ralph Perea Sr II
President of The United States
Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email
------Original Message------
From: <2095315162@mms.att.net>
To: <guyperea.unitedstates1@blogger.com>,<guyperea@rocketmail.com>
Date: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:02:04 AM GMT-0800
Subject: Hemet idea for the one that whisLe
[Bookmark Info.]
Title: Liberty Tax Service - Business details
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
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