President of The United States
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From: <>
To: <>,<>,<>
Date: Monday, January 16, 2012 5:17:51 PM GMT-0500
Subject: Details on AP statment on ships
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Title: Costa Concordia cruise ship sinking: A timeline of peacetime sea disasters, from Titanic on | News | National Post
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States The following is data of past mariner events of current area of The Country Italy or straits of dispute; May 7, 1875 - SCHILLER; German steamer off Scilly Isles; 312 - In January 17, 1919 CHAONIA; French steamer lost in Straits of Messina, Italy; 460 - April 10, 1991 - Auto ferry and oil tanker collided outside Livorno Harbor, Italy; 140 - in that the United States do see overall Cruise's near or about Italy is safe, don't forget passport.